Tech Girl Power is a South Florida, 501c3 non-profit organization which was founded in 2016. Our goal is to bring technology, math, science, and engineering into the hands and hearts of young girls to ignite a flame through fun, hands-on STEM workshops. We focus on girls from lower socio-economic levels with mentoring and self-efficacy building blocks included in the workshops to help our girls make the grade required to excel in STEM.
With Tech Girl Power, we want to ensure that our girls are included in this growing field where 93% of the wages are above the national average with a starting salary of $66,000. Imagine what that could do for our beautiful communities in South Florida, where we have one of the highest rates of income inequality in the nation!
Tech Girl Power’s black female founder has over 13 years of experience in the Mechanical Engineering Field and is passionate about increasing the amount of women in the STEM fields. Going into engineering by chance of a great physics teacher in her last semester of high school, she has had a difficult time finding a black female engineer mentor in a field dominated by men and getting past being the only woman and/or woman of color in the room. She wants girls to know that STEM is fun, rewarding, and not just for boys.
Researchers and experts in STEM education agree that increasing the number of women in the STEM fields would expand our nation’s pool of workers, educators, and innovators for the future, bringing in a new dimension, and potentially tackling problems that have been overlooked in the past.